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Rhinoplasty FAQs

Rhinoplasty FAQs

Rhinoplasty FAQs

 Rhinoplasty, simply called as nose job or nose reshaping is a surgery to restructure the nose. Rhinoplasty word comes from a Greek word 'Rhinos' which means nose and 'Plassein' means to shape. People may opt for rhinoplasty for medical reasons like breathing difficulties, nasal fractures, cleft lip or cleft palate, sinus problems and so on. On the other hand, people may also opt for rhinoplasty for purely aesthetic reasons like the desire for a bigger, smaller, thinner, straighter nose, reshaping of the tip of the nose or maybe a symmetric nose to enhance facial harmony.

Deciding to undergo rhinoplasty, for aesthetic reasons, is usually a result of years of research and thought process. There are many questions that pop up in the mind and though your surgeon will clear them before surgery, today we’ll discuss some such frequently asked questions about rhinoplasty.

  1. Will my nose look fake or un-natural after rhinoplasty?

The concept of a ‘natural looking’ nose is purely subjective. If your expectations are realistic, a good surgeon will help you achieve them. A good rhinoplasty typically appears natural. It is not a distracting feature of the face, rather it makes the face harmonious and directs people’s attention to the person’s eyes, smile, hair, and skin.

  1. What is the difference between open and closed rhinoplasty?

Open rhinoplasty is performed with a small incision placed on the columella (the fleshy column between the nostrils) as well as within each nostril. This process allows easy access to the surgeon enabling improved accuracy for reshaping the framework of the nose to achieve desired contouring.

Closed rhinoplasty, also referred to as endonasal rhinoplasty, is performed by making all necessary incisions completely hidden within the nostrils. Since there are no external incisions, this technique is less invasive and creates no visible scarring and also results in slightly less swelling during recovery.

However, the choice of the procedure lies in which method will achieve optimal results.

  1. Is the result rhinoplasty permanent?

As long as your facial features are fully developed, then your nose won’t change shape on its own after rhinoplasty. However, in case the results of rhinoplasty are unpleasant they can be reversed and corrected through revision rhinoplasty if necessary.

  1. What is the right age for rhinoplasty?

Technically, rhinoplasty can be performed at any age after nasal growth is complete. The most commonly operated age is mid-to-late adolescence or early adulthood. An open and frank discussion with your surgeon will reveal if rhinoplasty is suitable at your age.

  1. Is Rhinoplasty painful?

You won’t actually feel anything throughout the duration of your rhinoplasty procedure because you’ll either be under general or local anesthesia depending on the nature and intricacy of your procedure. Bruising and swelling of nose and around your eyes can be seen after rhinoplasty. Most of it should go away in 3 to 4 weeks. You will have some pain in your nose, and you may have a headache. Your surgeon will prescribe you pain medication for the same.  

  1. Can I get any nose (read celebrity nose) that I desire?

Any good surgeon will discourage you from getting a rhinoplasty if your expectation is to have nose that looks like someone else’s. What may look good on one person may or may not look good on another. The aim of cosmetic rhinoplasty is to get you a nose that suits your face and is aesthetically harmonious with your facial features. For the optimum results you should be open with your surgeon on why you want a rhinoplasty done and also clear with your surgeon your expectations from the results.  Again, if your expectations are realistic, a good surgeon will help you achieve them.


  1. What is the recovery time for rhinoplasty?

Healing and recovery time can vary from one patient to another. It also depends on the type of rhinoplasty procedure you receive and the extent of the procedure. However, the average recovery time can last anywhere between two weeks and a few months. Depending on the nature of the procedure, rhinoplasty is usually performed as a daycare surgery. You may be required for a few extra hours post-op for observation, but you most likely won’t have to stay overnight. Rest and relaxation are strongly advised during the first week after surgery to hasten recovery and minimize bruising and swelling. Although some bruising may be evident upon bandage removal one week after surgery, patients with sedentary jobs (desk work) may safely return to the workplace at this time.